She is free, but Sudan Remains in Shackles Intellectual and ideology shackles to be
exact. Maryam Yahya’s case was not about apostasy only. It hosted many other
social maladies. Social media platforms
(Facebook, Twitter, and online forums) have
become an alternative reality to many Sudanese living in Sudan or the
diaspora. Following the reaction on
those platforms toward the case as it developed, revealed so much of those
maladies. There is a deep rooted prejudice in the society towards people from
the neighboring country, there is strong tendency to be judgmental and dogmatic
about apostasy in Sharia, and people publicly condoned and called for hostility
towards apostate or those of other believes. I am not saying that all people
are that; but quite numbers are and the ratio of people of balanced tone are outnumbered
by the "god-fearing" crowd in what seems to be a pharisaical antipathy carnival.
The good news is that the case stirred the public to talk about those issues
and such talks will not stop once the case is closed.
While her case was in process, the public
opinion in Sudan split in many fronts. Human rights defenders supported her
right of conscious and rallied for her, domestically internationally.
Some government opponents took flaky positions about her citizenry rights,
nevertheless, employed the case to belittle the government. The
government on the other hand flirted with the radicals through the case but I
doubt that the courtship yields any support now that Maryam is free and
departed the country. Political parties were nowhere to be seen; none of them,
to my knowledge, issued a statement about the case; however, they were
all hyped up about the arrest of Saddig Al-Mahdi around the same time the case
was at its peak. I guess human rights are not one package. You would think that
they might be interested in activating the discussion about diversity, right?
Sorry. They were not interested. They asked for a rain check this time.
I am writing this post in English to take those
of you who do don't speak the language or do not follow social media discussion
in a tour that might not be pleasant in
some parts, but it will show you a silver lining … but we need to focus on the red flags more .. also, it will let you know
more about the status of gender, citizenship, prejudice and xenophobia in
Sudan. I will share with you my personal observation of the Sudanese
mainstream’s opinions on social media and online forums. There were couple of
themes and I will only focus on the obvious ones:
(1) She is at fault. Don’t even try to convince me
otherwise! Wait, what?
Some people found her guilty for changing her
religion. Period. Those who found her guilty accepted the capital
punishment as well. It was hard to discuss the case with them for they took her
decision as an insult to Islam. It was personal! Many would find it hard to
gasp the idea of a religion that retains its followers by the might of sword,
but it this notion seems to be acceptable to many Sudanese. The silver lining (see screenshot above ): Many people found this
radical position is the real insult to Islam for it reinforces the stereotypes that associate
Islam with radicalism. Below is a discussion between commentators on an news
item published on "كلنا مريم" [we all support Maryam]
the screen shot is part of a discussion in reply to
one who said " We hope the law
of God is absorbed and this apostate
be killed for deviating from the right path of Islam." The responses questioned the bases of
the apostasy legality in Islam and throw the question that Ridda wars during
the formative years of Islam was not about apostasy but mere political decision.
I find this intriguing and auspicious that such discussion is aired and not
dealt with as taboos and given .
(2) Being Sudanese presuppose being a Muslim?
Many saw Maryam's Christianity as an insult to her
citizenship. This #1 on the long list of major problem to solve. Religion
diversity is becoming a myth in Sudan. Let’s move forward and ask: Why
did they assume she is Muslim by default? Because Her father is a Muslim
therefore she is one. No one wondered why she was brought up Christian and
where was her father all this time. Disappearing men don’t get blamed in our
society. He vanishes? No problem. He can always come back and claim his
household whenever he wishes. He is dead? His other kids will claim their
sister when they feel like it. Not only the next of kin in this case, the whole
society claimed Maryam as Muslim with no regards to what she thinks of her
believe. There was a sense of ownership of her soul since her citizenship is
paternal. Bookmark this for invisible voice/ feminism gushing out sessions for
yo’ll feminists out there. The silver lining (see screenshot(S) to the right):
some women on Facebook supported Maryam and said that they proud of her. It feels
good to see fellow women express such public camaraderie in a case that could stigmatize
any supporter of being not a good Muslim.
(3) She married a Southern?! She is asking for trouble!
As the public started to learn more about
the case, information birthed more resentment. There is a Sudanese girl,
apparently form the north, the privileged race, married a Southern Sudanese and
converted to Christianity? This was unforgivable. The majority of the Sudanese
are trying to shed their blackness and become more Arabized. Sudanese women are
expected to marry Arabized men, and vice versa, to keep the “purity”
going. For a Northern woman to marry a Southern, she should expect a
whole a lot of trouble for crossing the racial line. The interracial marriage
was not in her favor and fueled the public antipathy and hostility.
(4) It is just a show!
A good number of people commented that
thousands of Christians are bombarded with bombs in the Nuba Mountain but the
international community did not rush to their aid as they did for Maryam. I
think it is a valid point and I am glad people started to realize the injustice
projected upon the Nuba Mountain people. The ball is now in the international
community’s court, whatever that means, to focus more on the mass killing based
on race and religion in plagued Sudan. The killing in the peripheral areas is
inseparable of the talks of diversity and citizenship rights. The government is
systematically alienating the minorities – that’s including anyone who is not a
Muslim or Arabized.
(5) She does not look Sudanese!
Good riddance!
The sense of ownership of Maryam’s soul
lightened as the international support mounted and more photos of Maryam became
public. The lurking prejudices against Ethiopians spill over into antipathy and
hurtful notes. It is ironic that this coincided with a campaign against
domestic servants form Ethiopia to bring down their salaries. In more
than one incident I read comments that “she doesn’t look Sudanese” insinuating
that she is Ethiopian therefore they are not interested in retaining her within
the subject of the honorable Sudanese.
This racist sentiment became bolder when the
photo of Maryam’s landing in Italy gone viral. It is so touching to see her
smile for the first time since she has become a public face. Most of the
comments focused on her features not being “Sudanese” -- which perplex me since
I am always mistaken for Ethiopians, and I do not know what type of godly
skills they have to identify Sudanese form the others since we are very diverse
in race and colors! Who is Sudanese according to the narrative? A Muslim for
sure, and less African as possible! I see this as a victory for the long
brainwashing and forcible pressure of the government to convince the Sudanese
mass that they are made of one fabric and come in one shape and should speak
one language. The diversity is seen now as a curse and stigma rather than a
particularity. This trend is dangerous and it will breed more bloodshed.
What’s next?
I think Maryam’s case can lay the foundation
for a serious work about the constitutional rights and the judiciary rule in
applying those rights. The legal code pertaining to apostasy should be
revisited and abolished. Citizens should be granted the freedom of belief as
stated in the constitution and laws should reflect those rights. Recent reports
say that the government bans building new churches, which is outrageous and unconstitutional.
Wooing the radicals at the expenses of eradicating Christians is more problematic than what the government
thinks. With the sprout of radical
groups in the region and the weak grip of the government on the law enforcement
on interstate immigration of radicals, this move will blow in the face of the movement
sooner that it thinks. Containing this demon once unleashed is knotty.
Scholars need to rise to the occasion and
discuss those matters before it is too late. It is scary to see men, old and
young, throw their fests in the air defending a death verdict that has no
grounds in Sharia and did not bother to educate themselves. No one asked about
the legal justification of apostasy in Sharia. No one wondered or bothered to
look further before supporting the verdict. Apostasy has no grounds in Sharia
- not that I support Sharia application anyways but people should at
least know more about what they apply first before killing other people for
baseless crimes!
On the front of humanity, we are in trouble.
The case brought to the forefront the deep issues we have in our society and
the prevailing understanding of religion and freedom of belief. Although many
people supported Maryam's right of belief, the radical voices are more detrimental. It showed the ugly face of prejudice and
racism. It is okay to kill people who are different. It is okay to humiliate
and imprison a pregnant woman and a mother for changing her belief – she
actually did not change her believe. She. Was. Brought. Up. Christian! Yet, it
is okay to put her on a death row! I did not think that anyone would be
okay with a woman giving birth while in shackles. It is hard to fathom that any
women, a mother, would accept to see another mother on death row for no crime
but choosing a different path to reach God. If you really believe in a merciful
God, do you really think He needs to terrify people by death to follow Him?
Common. Have some respect for your Lord!
Azaz Elshami - July 25, 2014
Azaz Elshami - July 25, 2014
"Who is Sudanese according to the narrative? A Muslim for sure, and less African as possible!"
ReplyDeleteyou well-summarized the identity crisis of Sudan